About Me

Hello, I'm Adele Leyha

Since my early childhood I have had contact with my different spirit helpers.


I`ve always liked to draw. Since my early childhood I just loved to draw. My grandmother used to say that I had skills for being a natural art talent. 

I started to do medium demontrations in Psychic Art back in 2007.

Now I travel around Norway and hold my public demonstrations for psyhcic art and mediumship everywhere. At my travels I meet a lot of nice and interesting souls and people who I share my work with. I love working as a spirit artist combining mediumship and healing, and it gives me such a lot of love and joy and pleasure to be in the service of spirits. 


I work for many different spiritual unions in Norway. I also run my own spritual centre in my hometown Drammen. 

I work as a spirital teacher for other to unfold their mediumship or healing abilities. And I alway see the moment of precence for where the student is and what he or she can focus on in the moment to move forward with their unfoldment and continue their individual spiritual journey. I like to have close contact with my students so I can follow up during my course.

In addtion I run home circles and as you probably understand, I am a pretty busy lady when it comes to commitments for spiritual work. I hope you will find my work interesting, and that you will order one or more of the spiritual options I offer.

Adele is living in Norway and has done that for her entire life.

She is excited to work with the spirit world, and loves to use her voice for communicating for spirits, so the spirits can give her clients comfort and healing for those who are grieving after a  loss. 

I am so glad you found my web page, and

I hope you find my work interesting.

I am Creative Spirit Artist -  Happy as happy can be!



Adele Leyha - Spirit Artist - Medium & Healer

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