
Spiritual Group Sessions - Platform demo

Are you a group of people that wish me as a medium performing spirit art?

There are two ways of working for me.

1) One option is I can work as a platform medium doing a demonstration event. I will then work for a decided time, where I will bring forward as many indiviudal spirits for some of the audience (not everyone in the audience, as it will not be time for that). This is the best option for bigger audience groups.  

2) The other option is that I work in a medium seance, where I will bring forward a spirit to every person attending at the seance. That is a little more expensive and timeconsuming way of working. This fits best for smaller groups from 2 - 12 persons.

Prices varies by how many attending and also depending on travel costs, and time it takes for travelling, and so on.

You can use your Spritual drawings to

Protect Your Home for Negative entities

If you are bothered by a lot of negative energies in your home, you can use the drawing for protection of yourself, your family and your home.

Healing and comfort

When you feel sad and alone, you can look into the drawing and get a feeling of connection of your loved ones. It will give you healing and comfort. It will ease your emotional pain. 


Sometimes you might want to connect deeper into your spirit guide team. Take a photo of your drawing and start to bring it with you whenever meditating. For instance bring it with you when walking in nature. Try to meditate more often with it out in nature. 

Higher awareness of your spirit helper

Ask the drawing every night before you go to sleep, to help you remember the spirit helper in your dreams when you wake up the following morning. 

The Right Spiritual Reading for You

(1+1 reading)

A private 1+1 readings lasts in 45 minutes. I can also do private (1+1) double sessions, like 2x45 minutes. 

Double sessions can even be varied. Like for instance; one hour with healing combined with one hour with reading afterwards. Can also be a double session with just reading.  

Do you want to come more than (>1) person for a reading ?

Sometimes people wish to bring a close friend or a family member or a relative to join them for their reading with me.

Then price will be set as a group session with a price for every attendants/ member to the reading. All sorts of groups coming to me for readings have to pay to join.

Please get in touch with me and I will offer you a price, depending on loactions, travel time and travel costs, the type of group session, how many you are, and my art costs.

Private reading (1+1)

45 minutes

Price depends on if you order a reading with or without drawing. 


Reading can be done by:

1) telephone, or

2) by video on my zoom account,


3) by personal physical meeting.

If I work by distance, I will send the drawing by post afterwards. Costs depend where in the world the drawing is going to be sent, as the international postal prices varies.

Private reading (1+1)


Price depends on if you order a reading with or without drawing. 


Reading and healing can be done by:

1) telephone, or

2) by video on my zoom account,


3) by personal physical meeting.

If I work by distance, I will send the drawing by post afterwards. Costs depend where in the world the drawing is going to be sent, as the international postal prices varies.