

From the drawings I create together with the spirit teams, there are lots of healing being sent out.  I therefor recommend you to place the drawing on your wall so you can see it. 

As the drawing is made in pastels, you should not place it on a wall where the sun shines, as the sun can fade the colors pale. 

Put your drawing in a frame with glass and hang it up where the sun beam cannot reach and pale it.  The spirit will use the drawing to communicate with you in an telepathic way, and they will therefor make you aware of different things in the drawing to focus on from time to time, as you need to be aware of different energies. Your eyes will be attracted to different lines and shapes and colours.

You will get gut feelings, as for instance feeling relaxed or calm or comfort when needed if you are sad or feel lost and lonely.

Clients says that my drawings makes the energies in their room a kind of more uplifted.

Distance Healing without Drawing

I also do appointments for distance healing without drawings. The healing techniques I practise, are often one of these listed underneath. I am also a teacher of healing and arrange coourses to train others.

  • Universal White Time Healing step 1 - 4

  • UWHT Crystal and Mineral Healing 1 - 2

  • Spiritual and Trance Healing

  • Theta Healing

  • Surgical Healing

  • Board of Knowledge: First. Second. Third. Angels. Gems. 
  • Healingforms and energy wawe frequences varies.

  • I do not mix the different types of healing forms.

  • I see you together with my healing guides team, and we see what kind of healing that works best for you, in accordance with your spirit team.

  • Use healing for emotional feeling better and for comfort.